aq.K said...
Can you write kanji of 'eye', 'eyes', 'paint', 'picture', 'dog' and 'cat'? I really do not know why exactly this words. XD

meaning : dog
pronunciation : i-nu

meaning : fat
pronunciation : fu-to-(i)

meaning : big
pronunciation : da-i,oh-ki-i

meaning : cat
pronunciation : ne-ko

meaning : picture,paint
pronunciation : e
aq.K said...
Thanks. It is really nice, that you answer that fast as you can.
So I have one, large request. Can you, please, write about most used Japanese emoticons? In example, if I want to express despair in Japanese emoticons.
Thanks a lot. <3
Most popular emoticon for despair in Japan is "orz".

there are many emotion and ascii art in Japan.but orz is most used and popular.this is undeniable fact.
see also Japanese Ascii Art.image.