meaning : depression, melancholia, blues
pronunciation : u-tsu
this kanji was not Jōyō kanji till 2010.
Jōyō kanji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The jōyō kanji (常用漢字, literally regular use Chinese characters?) is the guide to kanji characters announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are those on a list of 1,945 characters issued on October 10, 1981. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II.
but nowaday this character registered at jōyō kanji.Is this because there are many japanese people who struggle with depression?if so,it is really too bad.about thirty thousand take their own life per year in Japan, and 70% of suicide victim are male.
most big reason for suicide with male is economic problem.2nd health problem.

green line indicates the number of male suicide and orange line indicates the number of female suicide.

image by At Eternity's Gate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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